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Lemma  IP 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Hockett (2004b) 
Sinonimi  Item and process (inglese)  

As a further example of IP, consider the following paragraph from Haas's shorter treatment of Tunica [Haas, Mary, 1946, A grammatical sketch of Tunica, “LSN A, pp. 337-366, VFPA 6, New York]: The Tunica language is mildly synthetic in structure. In its tecnique of synthesis it is for the most part agglutinative, but it also employs a limited amount of fusion. The morphological processes used are juxtaposition affixation (prefixation, infixation, and suffixation), reduplication, and suppletion. Of these, prefixation and suffixation, particularly the latter, are exploited to a greater extent than are the other processes.
- Hockett (2004b), a pag.111

One of the "two models" which is well represented within those spatial and temporal limits is what we shall call ITEM AND PROCESS, or IP for short [...].
- Hockett (2004b), a pag.110

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