Lemma | IP |
Categoria grammaticale | X |
Lingua | inglese |
Sigla | Hockett (2004b) |
Sinonimi | Item and process (inglese) |
Rinvii | |
Traduzioni | |
Citazioni | As a further example of IP, consider the following paragraph from Haas's shorter treatment of Tunica [Haas, Mary, 1946, A grammatical sketch of Tunica, “LSN A, pp. 337-366, VFPA 6, New York]: The Tunica language is mildly synthetic in structure. In its tecnique of synthesis it is for the most part agglutinative, but it also employs a limited amount of fusion. The morphological processes used are juxtaposition affixation (prefixation, infixation, and suffixation), reduplication, and suppletion. Of these, prefixation and suffixation, particularly the latter, are exploited to a greater extent than are the other processes. One of the "two models" which is well represented within those spatial and temporal limits is what we shall call ITEM AND PROCESS, or IP for short [...]. |