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Lemma  modulation 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Halliday (1985) 
Rinvii  modality (inglese)  

We shall refer to the scales of obligation and inclination as MODULATION, to distinguish them from modality [...].
- Halliday (1985), a pag.86

If the clause is a ʻgoods-&-servicesʼ clause (a proposal, which has no real congruent form in the grammar, but by default we can characterize it as imperative), it means either (i) ʻis wanted toʼ, related to a command, or (ii) ʻwants toʼ, related to an offer; in other words, either obligation or inclination. We refer [...] to type (2) as MODULATION [...].
- Halliday (1985), a pag.335

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