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Autore  Valdman, Albert 
Sigla  Valdman (1977) 
Specifica  [OPERA] 
Titolo  Pidgin and Creole Linguistics 
Anno di pubblicazione  1977 
Lingua  inglese 
Luogo di pubblicazione  Bloomington 
Casa editrice  Indiana University Press 
Disponibilità in MRF  NO
Articoli presenti  Creolization: Elaboration in the Development of Creole French Dialects - Valdman (1977a) - The Development of Pidgin and Creole Studies - DeCamp (1977) - On the Beginnings of Pidgin and Creole Studies: Schuchardt and Hesseling - Meijer-Muysken (1977) - Pidginization and Creolization: Language Acquisition and Language Universals - Bickerton (1977) - Pidginization, Creolization, and Language Change - Traugott (1977) - Simplified Registers, Broken Language, and Pidginization - Ferguson-DeBose (1977) - Processes of Pidginization in African Languages - Manessy (1977) - The Question of Prior Creolization in Black English - Rickford (1977) - Processes of Pidginization and Creolization - Le Page (1977) - Toward the Reconstruction of the Social Matrix of Creole Language - Chaudenson (1977) - Recovering Pidgin Genesis: Approaches and Problems - Hancock (1977) - Lingua Franca: Historical Problems - Whinnom (1977) - Creole Languages and Primary Education - Craig (1977) - Pidgins, Creoles, Lingue Franche, and National Development - Wurm (1977)
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