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SiglaDik (1989)
TitoloThe theory of functional grammar. Part I: the structure of the clause
SinonimiGivTop (inglese) 
Rinviid-topic (inglese)
new topic (inglese) 

(61) a. The dog is in the garden […] the argument term “the dog” in a construction such as (61a) will typically have the pragmatic function of Given Topic, signalling that we use it to refer again to a topic which has already been introduced into the discourse.
- Dik (1989), Pag. 179

‘Given Topic’: A GivTop will have no accentual prominence (unless contrasted to some other GivTop) it may even take the form of Zero Anaphora, and will often be realized in a clitic pronoun. Such pronouns by definition ‘cannot’ have accentual prominence.
- Dik (1989), Pag. 391

If a discourse is to be about a certain D-Topic, that D-Topic will, at some point, have to be introduced for the first time. Such a first presentation of a D-Topic will be called a New Topic (NewTop); once the entity in question has been introduced, it can then be considered as a Given Topic (GivTop).
- Dik (1989), Pag. 267

Once a D-Topic [Discourse Topic] has been introduced into the discourse as a NewTop [New topic], it can be treated as a Given Topic in the subsequent communication.
- Dik (1989), Pag. 270