Lemmacompletive focus
Categoria grammaticaleN
SiglaDik (1989)
TitoloThe theory of functional grammar. Part I: the structure of the clause
Sinoniminew focus (inglese) 
Rinviicontrastive focus (inglese)
counterpresuppositional focus (inglese)
expanding focus (inglese)
focus (inglese)
parallel focus (inglese)
replacing focus (inglese)
restricting focus (inglese)
selecting focus (inglese) 

We made a first distinction between New (or Completive) Focus and Contrastive Focus. New Focus is assigned to constituents which are to fill a (presumed) gap in the pragmatic information of the Addressee. We had reasons, however, to also assign New Focus to the questioned constituents in Q-word questions.
- Dik (1989), Pag. 392

When Focus strategies are distinguished according to communicative point, the following distinctions are potentially relevant: [...] [immagine] Thus, the communicative point of Focus assignment may be the presentation of new information, or the requesting of such new information. This is the case in the question-answer pair […]. It applies not only to Q-word questions, but also to Yes/No-questions, in which case the Focus is on the truth value of proposition. This type of Focus requests or presents information pertaining to an information gap on the part of S [speaker]; there is no contrast involved with any other kind of similar information. The term “Completive” Focus may be used for this type of Focus.
- Dik (1989), Pag. 282