Lemma | ± telic |
Categoria grammaticale | N |
Lingua | inglese |
Sigla | Dik (1989) |
Titolo | The theory of functional grammar. Part I: the structure of the clause |
Sinonimi | [± tel] (inglese) |
Rinvii | |
Traduzioni | |
Citazioni | “[...] ± Telic”
A [+tel] SoA is a SoA [state of affairs] which, if it is fully achieved, reaches a natural terminal point. Compare the following expressions:
(8) a. John was painting [-tel]
b. John was painting a portrait [+tel]
c. John was painting portraits [-tel]
Note that one can go on painting or painting portraits indefinitely, but one cannot go on painting a portrait indefinitely. At least, the idea of painting a portrait is such that if the action is fully achieved, the product of the action, the portrait, is finished. It is clear that in the examples (a-c) it is the nature of the Goal term which determines the telicity. |