Lemma | oscillation |
Categoria grammaticale | N |
Lingua | sanscrito |
Sigla | Deshpande (1997) |
Titolo | Úaunakîyâ Caturâdhyâyikâ. A Prâtiúâkhya of the Úaunakîya Atharvaveda |
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Citazioni | Of [the four types of “svarita”, i. e.] “abhinihita”, “prāśliṣṭa”, “jātya”, and “kṣaipra”, followed by a high-pitched or circumflex, a quarter-mora quantity is made to fall [below the normal level of low-pitch accent], and that [phenomenon] is called “vikampita” ʻoscillationʼ by the wise. (pp. 437-438) |