Lemma | svarita- |
Categoria grammaticale | N |
Lingua | sanscrito |
Sigla | Deshpande (1997) |
Titolo | Úaunakîyâ Caturâdhyâyikâ. A Prâtiúâkhya of the Úaunakîya Atharvaveda |
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Citazioni | Another [phonetician] says: «“Tairovyañjana” and “Pādavṛtta” are of similar utterance». [In a “svarita”], the first [portion] is high-pitched (“udātta”). The following [portion] is low-pitched (“anudātta”). A “svarita” is a combination of these two. (p. 425) The initial half-mora of a svarita is high-pitched (“udātta”), [and, by implication, the rest is low-pitched (“anudātta”)]. (p. 124) |