Lemma | gati- |
Categoria grammaticale | N |
Lingua | sanscrito |
Sigla | Deshpande (1997) |
Titolo | Úaunakîyâ Caturâdhyâyikâ. A Prâtiúâkhya of the Úaunakîya Atharvaveda |
Sinonimi | |
Rinvii | |
Traduzioni | |
Citazioni | “Prá”, “párā”, “ní”, “sám”, “ā”, “dúr”, “nír”, “áva”, “ádhi”, “pári”, “ví”, “áti”, “ápi”, “sú”, “úd”, “ápa”, “sú”, “úd”, “ápa”, “abhí”, “úpa”, “ánu”, and “práti” are the twenty [“upasargas”]. Of these, the monosyllabic ones have the high-pitch accent. Others have their first syllable with the high-pitch accent, [eccept for] “abhí” [which has its] final [syllable with the high-pitch accent]. In conjunction with verbs, these items are called “upasarga”, as well as “gati”. (pp. 491-492) |