Lemma | inherent case |
Categoria grammaticale | N |
Lingua | inglese |
Sigla | Chomsky (1993) |
Titolo | Lectures on Government and Binding. The Pisa Lectures |
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Citazioni | […] the fundamental properties of Case-assignment are as in (1): (1) (i) NP is nominative if governed by AGR; (ii) NP is objective if governed by V with the subcategorization feature: −NP (i.e., transitive); (iii) NP is oblique if governed by P; (iv) NP is genitive in [NP − X-bar]; (v) NP is inherently Case-marked as determined by properties of its [−N] governor. Let us refer to the case assigned under [...] (v) as "inherent Case" [...] Inherent Case is presumably closely linked to θ-role. […] "inherent Case", including now the Case assigned by prepositions, is assigned at D-structure. |