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Lemma  sememe 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Nida (1951) 
Rinvii  ethnosememe (inglese)
linguisememe (inglese)  

A sememe consists of a class of semantically related semes, which constitute the meaningful components of (1) a morpheme, (2) a formal part of a morpheme (e.g. 'sl' in 'slip'), (3) a covert feature of a paradigmatic series, or (4) a combination of (1) and (3) (i.e. in these situations in which a meaning is overtly symbolized in certain forms and covertly so in others). Sememes are of two basic types: (1) linguisememes and (2) ethnosememes.
- Nida (1951), a pag.7-8

[...] a sememe is the totaly of the related semes, not simply the common denominator.
- Nida (1951), a pag.9

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