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Lemma  linguisememe 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Nida (1951) 
Rinvii  ethnosememe (inglese)
linguiseme (inglese)
sememe (inglese)  

The total number of related linguisemes possessed by a form (or by a covert feature) constitutes the linguisememe of that form.
- Nida (1951), a pag.8

It would be possible to say that a form such as 'man' has two linguisememes: (1) that of a noun and (2) that of a verb. However, it is probably preferable to include all distributions under one complex linguisememe and to consider the linguisemes as relatable by virtue of the fact that identical forms may have such diverse distributions.
- Nida (1951), a pag.8

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Dizionario generale plurilingue del Lessico Metalinguistico is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License.
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