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Lemma  linguimacrosememe 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Nida (1951) 
Rinvii  macrosememe (inglese)  

A macrosememe consists of a class of semantically related macrosemes which constitute a meaningful component of a structure having two or more sememes and at least one episememe. [...] Macrosememes are of two types: (1) 'linguimacrosememes', based upon the linguistic context and (2) 'ethnomacrosememes', based upon the nonlinguistic context.
- Nida (1951), a pag.13

The meaning of a particular structure, e.g. 'applesauce', consists of all the macrosememes which such a form possesses. These include (1) an endocentric linguimacrosememe (the form 'applesauce' has substantially the same distribution as the noun head-word 'sauce') [...]
- Nida (1951), a pag.14

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