(A construction is definable as a meaningful combination of forms). A construction may contain any number of morphemes in its constituent parts, and it may constitute a morphological or syntactic structural layer, but regardless of its size it must exhibit a meaningful relationship, which we may designate as its episememe. - Nida (1951), a pag.11 Since most constructions are binary [...], it is convenient to describe the episememes by identifying the semantic components of the constituent parts. The following are a few of these types of constructions in English:
action-goal: 'hit John'
action-indirect -goal: 'gave him (the bat)'
action-time: 'went yesterday'
actor-action: 'John went'
goal-action: 'John was hit'
relation-axis: 'for Bill'
limitation-substance: 'some man'
quality-substance: 'white cloud'. - Nida (1951), a pag.11 Most constructions [...] are semantically endocentric. This is true of most productive derivative formations, practically all inflectional formations, and most syntactic expressions. When expressions are semantically exocentric, we simply classify them as idioms [...] - Nida (1951), a pag.13