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Lemma  alloepiseme 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Nida (1951) 
Rinvii  episeme (inglese)
episememe (inglese)  

Alloepisemes are episemes as they are related to an episememe.
- Nida (1951), a pag.11

[...] different types of episemes are grouped together. For example, in 'my tie' there is a possessor-possessed relationship and in 'an aunt' there is a determiner-determined relationship. Since, however, 'my' and 'an' are mutually exclusive in distribution and substitutible for one another in the same construction, we combine the two types of episemes in a larger unit. They constitute two types of alloepisemes which are related to the same episememe.
- Nida (1951), a pag.11

[...] sematically related episemes (i.e. alloepisemes) [...]
- Nida (1951), a pag.11

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