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Lemma  full suppletion 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Stemberger & MacWhinney (2004b) 

Proposals about the representation of inflected forms fall into three main "generic" approaches. One approach is full suppletion: all inflected forms are stored in the lexicon as single units, as if they were monomorphemic [Leben, W. and Robinson, O. W., 1977, Upside-down phonology, “Language”, 53, pp. 1-20; Bybee, Joan, 2004, Regular morphology and the lexicon, in Katamba, Francis, Morphology. Critical concepts in linguistics, Routledge, London]. There may additionally be some form of redundancy rule that relates an inflected form to the other members of its paradigm and to other forms with the same affix.
- Stemberger & MacWhinney (2004b), a pag.107

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