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Lemma  selection 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Stanley (2004) 
Rinvii  select (inglese)  

[...] description of the process of selection. Suppose we are given a language L and a set M of MS conditions written for the morphemes of L. Then the set M(U) takes the place of MS rules of the previous theory in filling in blanks in dictionary matrices. Consider a partially specified matrix D with any number of columns and with the same number of rows as matrices in M(U); consider also any matrix X in M(U). Such a matrix X is fully specified. D is said to SELECT X if D is a sub-matrix of X. Clearly, it is possible for D to select more than one matrix from M(U), and, in general, the more blanks D has, the more matrices it will select.
- Stanley (2004), a pag.80

The second part of the proposed system is a PROCESS OF SELECTION. For each morpheme m, the incompletely specified dictionary matrix Dm of m SELECTS [...] the incompletely specified systematic phonemic matrix Sm of m from the set M(U). Thus the process of selection provides a method for filling in redundant information in dictionary matrices.
- Stanley (2004), a pag.76

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