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Lemma  clitic 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Sadock (2004) 
Rinvii  enclitic (inglese)  

Latin "-que" is, by assumption, lexically listed as an enclitic, that is, as an element that must attach to the end of some fully inflected word [...]. Clitics in general will then attach to peripheral words, as emphasized by Klavans [Klavans, Judith L., 1980, “Some Problems in a Theory of Clitics”, Distrbuted 1982, Indiana University Linguistic Club, Bloomington], since they are not required to have heads as hosts, since, ceteribus paribus, syntactic ordering requirements must be satisfied, and since complement-taking syntactic elements will occurr either before or after their syntactic complements in a phrase-structure grammar.
- Sadock (2004), a pag.364

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