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Lemma  total bimodal reduplication 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Moravcsik (2004) 

Total bimodal reduplication is exemplifiable from EWE, or LATIN, or MANDARIN. EWE: "asìasìi" "hand by hand" ("asì" "hand") [Ansre, G., 1963, Reduplication in Ewe. Journal of African Languages 1.3]; LATIN: "quisquis" "whoever" ("quis" "who?") [Coyaud, M. And K. A. Hamou, 1971, Un universal dans les quantificateurs indéfinis, Al-Lisāniyyāt 2]; MANDARIN: "jangjang" " every sheet" ("jang" "sheet") [Chao, Y. R., 1968, A grammar of spoken Chinese, University of California Press, p. 202]. What makes the EWE and LATIN examples bimodal is that repetitio must involve not only a morpheme of the same meaning but also one of the same lexical form.
- Moravcsik (2004), a pag.315

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