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Lemma  reduplication 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Moravcsik (2004) 
Sinonimi  reiteration (inglese)  

The terms "reduplication" and "reduplicative construction" are of course infelicitous, since they make vague reference to there being only two copies of the same thing in the construction in question. A more properly suggestive term would be "reiteration" or repetitive construction.
- Moravcsik (2004), a pag.336

Utterance 1: ...A...=...X...; Utterance 2: ...B...=...Y... where A and B are non-null interpretable semantic representations that have some elements in common, X and Y are non-null syntactic, phonological, or phonetic representations, the equation sign stands for symbolic equivalence; and where Y either properly or improperly includes all of X, and a proper or improper part of X repeated n times, but B does not include a matching reduplication of A. [...] I take this schema to semi-formally define the familiar linguistic concept of reduplication, wit a reduplicative construction being what is represented above as Utterance 2.
- Moravcsik (2004), a pag.311

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