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Lemma  additional reduplication 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Moravcsik (2004) 

[...] there are indeed instances of multiple reduplication in many languages and possibly in all. Examples fall into three types: a) both one-time and multiple reduplication possible with respect to the same form, with an additional meaning accruement of the same type in each case; [...] a) there are at least two kinds of meaning that may be reinforced by additional reduplication. One is emphasis: it is perhaps true in all languages that an emphatic modifier (such as "very") can be open-endedly reduplicated for additional degrees of emphasis. The other is continuity: both in MOKILESE and in SHIPIBO, increased temporal extent of an action can be suggested by additional reduplication.
- Moravcsik (2004), a pag.321

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