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Lemma  selecting focus 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Dik (1989) 
Rinvii  contrastive focus (inglese)
counter-presuppositional focus (inglese)
expanding focus (inglese)
focus (inglese)
new focus (inglese)
parallel focus (inglese)
replacing focus (inglese)
restricting focus (inglese)  

(v) “Selecting Focus” S [Speaker] presumes that A [Addressee] believes that X or Y is correct, but does not know which. Usually, such a presupposition would be created through a disjunctive question of A’s: (49) A: Would you like coffee or tea? S: COFFEE, please. S thus selects a correct piece of information from a list of possibilities offered by A. […]. Selecting Focus involves a contrast between the information chosen and the information rejected. Both pieces of information may be made explicit, as in: (50) A: Did John buy coffee or rice? S: He bought COFFEE, not RICE.
- Dik (1989), a pag.284

When Focus strategies are distinguished according to communicative point, the following distinctions are potentially relevant: [immagine] […].
- Dik (1989), a pag.282

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