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Lemma  predicate 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Dik (1989) 
Rinvii  basic predicate (inglese)
derived predicate (inglese)  

[…] predicates constitute the most basic building blocks at the morpho-semantic (as opposed to the phonological) level of linguistic organization. Concerning these predicates, FG [Functional Grammar] starts from the following assumptions: • All lexical items of a language are analyzed as predicates. • Different categories and sub categories of predicates are distinguished according to their different formal and functional properties. Thus, we have at least verbal (V), adjectival (A), and nominal (N) predicates. • All predicates are semantically interpreted as designating properties or relations. • Predicates may be “basic” or “derived”.
- Dik (1989), a pag.54

Predicate designate properties or relations […]. As an example of a predicate we take the verb give. This predicate designates a three-place relation between three entities in the roles of a “giver”, “something given”, and a “receiver” […].
- Dik (1989), a pag.46

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