(1) nuclear predication = pred (arg)n
The “nuclear predication” consists of the predicate and its argument terms, as defined in the (basic or derived) predicate frame. - Dik (1989), a pag.247 (19) a. The hen laid an egg
b. layv(d1xi:henN(xi)Φ)Ag(i1xj:eggN(xj) Φ)Go
A predication such as (19b), which results from the insertion of term structures into the argument slots of some predicate frame, will be called a “nuclear predication”. - Dik (1989), a pag.56 […] the nuclear predication consists of the predicate, together with the (n) arguments associated with the predicate […]. - Dik (1989), a pag.67 Nuclear predications consist of terms which designate entities in some world, and of predicates, which designate properties of, or relations between such entities. The nuclear predication as a whole designates a set of “states of affairs” (SoAs), each member of the set being defined by the particular property or relation designated by the predicate. - Dik (1989), a pag.89