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Lemma  level 3 satellite 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Dik (1989) 

• “Level 3 satellites”: these are satellites which capture the lexical means by which a speaker can specify his evaluation of, or attitude towards the content of the preposition. For example, when we have an expression such as: (26) In my opinion, John is a fool it is clear that the expression “in my opinion” does not change anything in the SoA [state of affairs] expressed by the predication, nor does it locate the SoA with respect to “objective” coordinates of time, space, or cognition; rather, it restricts the value which the speaker himself wishes to be attached to the content of the proposition. The truth of the possible fact expressed in that proposition is explicitly restricted to the subjective world of the speaker.
- Dik (1989), a pag.59

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