Partially corresponding to the “given/new” distinction, we may distinguish the dimensions of “topicality” and “focality”. Topicality characterizes those entities “about” which information is provided or requested in the discourse. Focality attaches to those pieces of information which are the most important or salient with respect to the modifications which S [Speaker] wishes to effect in PA [Pragmatic information of Addressee], and with respect to the further development of the discourse.
These two dimensions of discourse organization have a certain area of overlap, in that certain topical elements may at the same time be focal to the communication. This overlap can be symbolized as follows:
(6) topicality______________________
______________________ focality
[…]. - Dik (1989), a pag.266 The main parameters along which (clause-internal) pragmatic functions can be distinguished are “topicality” (= characterizing the “things we talk about”) and “focality” (= characterizing the most important or salient parts of what we say about the topical things). - Dik (1989), a pag.264