[+dyn] SoAs […] necessarily involve some kind of change, some kind of internal dynamism. This dynamism may consist in a recurrent pattern of changes all through the duration of the SoA, or in a change from some initial SoA into some different final SoA. [+dyn] SoAs may be called “Events”. - Dik (1989), a pag.91 A [-dyn] SoA [...] is an SoA which does not involve any change, i.e., where the entities involved are presented as being or remaining the same at all points of the time interval during which the state of affairs obtains. We can use the general term Situation for such [-dyn] SoAs. - Dik (1989), a pag.91 The most important parameters for a semantic typology of SoAs [states of affairs] are the following:
(2) ± Dynamic [± dyn]
± Telic [± tel]
± Momentaneous [± mom]
± Control [± con]
± Experience [± exp]
[…]. - Dik (1989), a pag.90-91