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Lemma  condition D 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Marantz (2004) 

Four general conditions on the linking of phonemic melodies with C-V skeleta [...] predict the correct association for most reduplicative processes. [...] "Condition D": (i) Linking of the phonemic melody to the reduplicating skeleton either begins with the leftmost phoneme of the melody linking to the leftmost C-V slot in the skeleton eligible under Condition A and proceeds from the left to right or begin with the righmost phoneme of the melody linking to the rightmost C-V slot of the skeleton and proceeds from right to left. In the unmarked case, reduplicating prefixes associate with their melodies from left to right, reduplicating suffixes from right to left. (ii) The association of phonemic melodies and C-V reduplicating affixes is "phoneme-driven" in the sense that, for each phoneme encountered linking from left to right or from right o left, the association procedure scans along the skeleton to find a C-V slot eligible for association with the phoneme under Condition A.
- Marantz (2004), a pag.327

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