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Lemma  item and process 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Hockett (2004b) 
Sinonimi  IP (inglese)  

Item and process [...] . 6.1. A linguistic form is either SIMPLE OR DERIVED. 6.2. A simple form is a ROOT. 6.3. A derived form consists of one or more UNDERLYING FORMS to which a PROCESS has been applied. [...] 6.5 The TACTICAL PATTERN of a language is completely covered by a set of statements of the following form: (1) A list of the processes. (2) Under each process as heading, (2.1) Enumeration of the position or positions involved, (2.2) For each position, (2.21) A list of the roots which occurr in that position, and (2.22) A list of the processes which produce forms which occurr in that position.
- Hockett (2004b), a pag.128

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