[…] the only function of a morph is to represent a morpheme. - Hockett (1958), a pag.293 Each representation is a ‘morph’; all the morphs which represent some given morpheme are called ‘allomorphs’ of that morpheme. Thus /sél/ and /s...l/ are both allomorphs of the morpheme {‘sell’}. - Hockett (1958), a pag.272 Two morphs cannot be allomorphs of a single morpheme if they contrast. […].
(II) Two morphs cannot be allomorphs of a single morpheme unless they have the same meaning. […].
(III) Even if other criteria are satisfactorily met, one does not assign two morphs to a single morpheme unless the resulting morpheme fits into the emerging grammatical picture of the language in a sensible way. - Hockett (1958), a pag.274