[…] the vowels and consonants which can occur at the beginning of a microsegment are not in any significant way limited by the vowel or consonant at the end of the preceding consonants, or vice versa. But within the bounds of a single microsegment there are many limitations.
A few microsegments are of a special type, occurring only in macrosegments that include also one or more microsegments of what we shall call the “normal” type. These special microsegments consist of a single isolated consonant. Examples are the isolated /s/ of /s+kuwl/ ‘It’s cool’ [...]. - Hockett (1958), a pag.85 A macrosegment may be broken into two or more successive smaller portions by occurrences of the ‘juncture’ phoneme /+/. Each such smaller portion we shall for convenience call a ‘microsegment.’ If a macrosegment includes no occurrence of /+/, then it consists of a single microsegment. - Hockett (1958), a pag.59