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Lemma  construction 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Hockett (1958) 
Rinvii  form-class (inglese)  

A construction is thus a pattern for building composite forms of a specific form-class out of ICs of specific form-classes. The description of a specific construction asserts that “any member of such-and-such a form class, conjoined to any member of a certain other form class, produces a form which belongs to a certain third form class”.
- Hockett (1958), a pag.164

The revised description of a construction is as follows: Any member of such-and-such a form class, conjoined to any member of a certain other form-class, produces a form of a certain third form-class, provided that the selections from the first two form-classes are compatible with regard to concord, governmental concord, government, or cross-reference, whichever is relevant.
- Hockett (1958), a pag.218

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