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Lemma  anterior patient 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Goodenough & Zurif & Weintraub (2004) 
Sinonimi  Broca's aphasic (inglese)  

Anterior patients (Broca's aphasics) typically produce a non-fluent form of speech which, unlike the posterior varieties, is relatively well-supplied with words of concrete reference. Frequently described as agrammatic, their spontaneous output is characterized by omission of grammatical morphemes and by a severe reduction in lenght and in grammatical variety. Also, while some anterior aphasics (mixed anteriors) clearly do not show preserved comprehension, the most common clinical impression is that agrammatism coexist with relatively intact comprehension.
- Goodenough & Zurif & Weintraub (2004), a pag.255

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