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Lemma  compound 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Downing (2004) 

[...] two types of compounds, deictic and classificatory.
- Downing (2004), a pag.202

Compounds differ from sentential structures in that they tipically name, rather than assert or describe.
- Downing (2004), a pag.201

Li [...] contends that compounds generally have the following functions: "(1) to subcategorize the referents of nouns ("bowl" → sugar bowl, rice bowl etc.); "(2) to provide names ("Liberty Bell, Hoover Dam"); "(3) to serve as a means for "telegraphic speech" ("cradle song"-"a song to lull a child in the cradle to sleep")".
- Downing (2004), a pag.175

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