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Lemma  ambitransitive 
Categoria grammaticale  AG 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Dixon (2004) 
Sinonimi  labile (inglese)  

In some languages every verb is either strictly transtive [...] or strictly intransitive [...]. Other languages have a number of ambitransitive (or "labile") verbs [...]. There are two varietes of ambitransitives: (i) S = A, e.g. "knit" in English, as in "Mary" (S) "is knitting", and "Mary" (A) "is knitting a scarf" (O). (ii) S = O, e.g. "trip" and "spill" in English, as in "John" (A) "tripped" and "Mary" (A) "tripped John" (O); and in "John" (A) "spilled the milk" (O) and "The milk" (S) "spilled".
- Dixon (2004), a pag.339

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