Seleziona la sigla di un'opera per consultare le informazioni collegate

Lemma  stem 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Creider & Hudson (2004) 
Rinvii  whole (inglese)  

Each model has an associated relation. For the lexeme, this relation is "stem", which we can now define as a relation between a lexeme (possibly further specified for some inflectional category), and a (phonological or orthographical) form. For the inflection, the relation is "whole", a relation between a complete grammatical classification of a word and a (phonological or orthographical) form; for example, "dog" is the stem of [DOG: plural], while "dogs" is its whole. In the absence of inflectional material, a word's stem and its whole will be the same [...].
- Creider & Hudson (2004), a pag.450

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