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Lemma  principle of disjunctive ordering 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Anderson (2004a) 

[...] (30) When an inflectional rule refers to a set of features M = {F1,..., Ft} in morphosyntactic representations, and all of the features in M (with the exception of major category features [Noun], [Verb], etc.) are already specified as part of the lexical identity of a given stem S, then the rule in question is blocked from applying to the pair {S, M}. Principle (30), whose essence is discussed at some lenght by Platt [Platt, D., 1981, “Old Provençal Verb Inflection: The Balance between Regularity and Irregularity in Morphology”, in Thomas-Flinders, T., ed. (1981c)] and Thomas-Flinder [Thomas-Flinder , T., 1981a, “Aspects on Maricopa Verbal Morphology”, in Thomas-Flinder, T., ed. (1981c)], is of course simply a special case of the principle of disjunctive ordering [...].
- Anderson (2004a), a pag.266

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