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Lemma  extended word and paradigm model 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Anderson (2004a) 

[...] "Extended Word and Paradigm" model. Its distinctive property consists in treating the inflectional apparatus of a language as a set of rules which operate on ordered pairs of the form {S, M}, where M is the morphosyntactic representation associated with the terminal node of a phrase marker, and S is the most specifically characterized phonological stem form associated with a given lexical entry consistent with M. The rules in question derive a surface word by altering S in systematic ways: by affixation (the addition, of prefixes, suffixes and infixes), stem modification (Ablaut, tone change, consonantal mutation, etc.), reduplication, or other formally specifiable changes conditioned by the fact that {S, M} meets a specific structural description.
- Anderson (2004a), a pag.253-254

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