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Lemma  morphosyntactic representation 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Anderson (2004) 

[...] a transitive verb will be given a morphosyntactic representation like (14a) [...]. (14) a. Transitive [tense, etc., F"i"[F"j"]]. [...] An alternative to this sort of representation would be to tag each feature directly with the grammatical position from which it has copied, as in the representation in (15). [...] (15) a. Transitive: [tense, etc., sbj: F"i", obj: F"j"] [...]. On that view the morphosyntactic representation actually encodes a certain amount of the structure of the phrase marker, while in the view represented by (14) the relation is less direct.
- Anderson (2004), a pag.38

[...] MORPHOSYNTACTIC REPRESENTATION (the representation of the inflectional properties of a word, including an account of the way this is constructed and manipulated by the syntax, on the one hand and referred to in inflectional word formation, on the other).
- Anderson (2004), a pag.34

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