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Lemma  semantic continuity vs. semantic discontinuity 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Weinreich (1963) 
Rinvii  designatum (inglese)
language (inglese)
semantic component (inglese)  

We may [...] introduce the notion of semantic continuity. A semantic system is continuous if for every sign A ( c1 • c2 • . . . cn) there is a sign A’ adequately defined as A ( c’1 • c2 • . . . cn) ― that is, by changing one of the components of the designatum of A [...]. Contrariwise, there is a semantic discontinuity when a change of a component ci to c’i fails to yield a designatum of some sign in the given language.
- Weinreich (1963), a pag.149-150

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