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Lemma  linguistics 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Hjelmslev (1961) 

[...] linguistics can and must undertake an analysis of the linguistic form without considering the purport that can be ordered to it in both planes. [...] linguistics must be assigned the special task of describing the linguistic form, in order thereby to make possible a projection of it upon the non-linguistic entities which from the point of view of language provide the substance. Linguistics must then see its main task in establishing a science of the expression and a science of the content on an internal and functional basis […].
- Hjelmslev (1961), a pag.78-79

Such a linguistics, as distinguished from conventional linguistics, would be one whose science of the expression is not a phonetics and whose science of the content is not a semantics. Such a science would be an algebra of language, operating with unnamed entities, 'i'.'e'., arbitrarily named entities without natural designation, which would receive a motivated designation only on being confronted with the substance.
- Hjelmslev (1961), a pag.79

While it is the business of linguistics to analyze the linguistic form, it will just as inevitably fall to the lot of other sciences to analyze the purport.
- Hjelmslev (1961), a pag.77

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