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Lemma  figura 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Hjelmslev (1961) 

Quite as in the expression plane, the existence of figuræ will only be a logical consequence of the existence of signs. […] Such an exhaustive description presupposes the possibility of explaining and describing an unlimited number of signs, in respect of their content as well, with the aid of a limited number of figuræ. […] the lower we can make the number of content-figuræ, the better we can satisfy the empirical principle in its requirement of the simplest possible description.
- Hjelmslev (1961), a pag.67

Such non-signs as enter into a sign system as parts of signs we shall here call ‘figuræ’; this is a purely operative term, introduced simply for convenience. Thus, a language is so ordered that with the help of a handful of figuræ and through ever new arrangement of them a legion of signs can be constructed. If a language were not so ordered it would be a tool unusable for its purpose. We thus have every reason to suppose that in this feature – the construction of the sign from a restricted number of figuræ – we have found an essential basic feature in the structure of any language.
- Hjelmslev (1961), a pag.46-47

The analysis into figuræ [...] consists in trying to analyze the entities that enter the unrestricted inventories purely into entities that enter the restricted inventories.
- Hjelmslev (1961), a pag.71

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