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Lemma  tairovyañjana- 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  sanscrito 
Opera  Deshpande (1997) 

“Abhinihita”, “Prāśliṣṭa”, and both “Jātya” and “Kṣipra”, as well as “Tairovyañjana” and “Pādavṛtta”, - this is the group of “svarita” [varieties]. […] Softer than those is said to be the accent called “tairovyañjana”. The “pādavṛtta” is softer [than that]. Such are the relative strengths and weaknesses of the “svarita” varieties. Another [phonetician] says: «“Tairovyañjana” and “Pādavṛtta” are of similar utterance.» [In a “svarita”], the first [portion] is low-pitched (“udātta”). The following [portion] is low-pitched (“anudātta”). A “svarita” is a combination of these two. (pp. 422-425)
- Deshpande (1997)

[The “svarita”] which is separated [from the preceding high-pitched vowel] by consonants is called “tairovyañjana”. (p. 435)
- Deshpande (1997)

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