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Lemma  syllable 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  sanscrito 
Opera  Deshpande (1997) 

Of a syllable being circumflexed, which part is it that is circumflexed? Some say that [the first] half of a short vowel, and the [first] quarter of a long vowel [is circumflexed]. Śāṅkhamitri says that the entire [syllable is circumflexed]. [This should be so, since] it is not the pattern of a [single] syllable to have two accents [within itself]. (pp. 448-450)
- Deshpande (1997)

A vowel is called a syllable. (p. 242)
- Deshpande (1997)

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Dizionario generale plurilingue del Lessico Metalinguistico is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License.
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