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Lemma  growth and change 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Whitney (1875) 

All living language is in a condition of constant growth and change. It matters not to what part of the world we may go: if we can find for any existing speech a record of its predecessor at some time distant from it in the past, we shall perceive that the two are different- and more or less different, mainly in proportion to the distance of time that separates them.
- Whitney (1875), a pag.33

Life, here [language] as elsewhere, appears to involve growth and change as an essential element; and the remarkable analogies which exist between the birth and growth and decay and extinction of a language and those of an organized being, or of a species, have been often enough noticed and dwelt upon […].
- Whitney (1875), a pag.34

The common speech is, like all living speech, in a condition of constant growth and change […].
- Whitney (1875), a pag.159

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