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Lemma  agglutinative 
Categoria grammaticale  AG 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Whitney (1875) 
Rinvii  inflective (inglese)
isolating (inglese)  

Scytian language is the type of what is called an “agglutinative” structure, as distinguished from the “inflective” Indo-European. By this is meant that the elements of various origin which make up Scytian words and forms are more loosely aggregated, preserve more independence, than do the Indo-European; there is far less integration of the parts, with disguise and obliteration of their separate entity. All our own formations, as has been seen, begin with being agglutinations; and such words as ‘un-tru-th-ful-ly’ preserve an agglutinative character; if all our words were like it, there would be no marked difference between the two families as to this fundamental item.
- Whitney (1875), a pag.232

The Basque may […] be the sole surviving relic and witness of an aborigenal western European population, dispossessed by the intrusive Indo-European tribes […] It is of an exaggeratedly agglutinative type, incorporating into its verb a variety of relations which are almost everywhere else expressed by independent words.
- Whitney (1875), a pag.258-259

The wider distinction of languages as isolating, agglutinative, and inflective, which has a degree of currency and familiarity, offers a convenient, but far from exact or absolute, test by which the character of linguistic structure may be tried; the three degrees lie in a certain line of progress, but, as in all such cases, pass into one another. To lay any stress upon this as a basis of classification is like making the character of the hair or the color of the skin a basis of classification in physical ethnology, or the number of stamens or the combination of leaves in botany: it ignores and overrides other distinctions of an equal or of greater importance.
- Whitney (1875), a pag.277

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