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Lemma  motivated and arbitrarity 
Categoria grammaticale  AG 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Martinet (1962) 

There is, however, one criterion whose application might result in establishing interesting contrasts between language. It is what might be called the amount of motivation in the vocabulary: some languages make use of a comparatively small stock of monemes because they frequently resort to composition or derivation; their vocabulary may be said to be largely motivated: such a thing being called this or that because it is this or that. Other have a relatively large number of unanalysable designations; their vocabulary is thus more largely arbitrary in the Saussurian sense of the term: a thing is called thus for no discoverable reason, except, perhaps, for the etymologist […] It is quite probably that this contrast between motivated and arbitrary is something of which foreign linguists and local purists are more keenly aware than average users: the present writer, a native Frenchman, had to read the diary of Ernst Jünger at the age of thirty-four before he realized that 'beaucoup de' must once have been identical with the syntagm 'beau coup de'.
- Martinet (1962), a pag.88-89

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