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Lemma  dependent moneme 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Martinet (1962) 
Rinvii  autonomous moneme (inglese)
functional moneme (inglese)  

Among dependent monemes–those that are neither independent, autonomous, nor function indicators–one should distinguish the ones that assume some primary function from the ones whose function is not primary. The former could be designated as primary dependents, and the latter as marginal dependents, or determinants; in the above sentence ['yesterday, the head of the department dictated a for-page letter to the secretary he had just engaged'], 'head' is a primary dependent, 'the' (in 'the head') and 'department' are marginal dependents, 'the' (in 'the department') is, of course marginal too, but marginal to the already marginal 'department'.
- Martinet (1962), a pag.50

Next we have monemes that do not imply any definite relation to the rest of the utterance and will therefore be available for several different functions. Of course, every one of these functions will have to be indicated somehow, either by position or by means of some additional element. These monemes could be called dependants; 'village' [in 'there was a riot, in the village, yesterday'] is a dependant.
- Martinet (1962), a pag.45

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