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Lemma  choice 
Categoria grammaticale 
Lingua  inglese 
Opera  Martinet (1962) 
Rinvii  meaning (inglese)  

If meaning is to be mentioned in linguistics at all, it should be defined as resulting from the necessity, for the speaker, of choosing at a point among several units for the expression of some element of the experience. Choice, on that level, implies meaning, and meaning is there only if there has been a choice. Syntactic functions, such as the ones expressed by prepositions or cases, are, in a way, predetermined: a dative relation is expected after a verb meaning ‘to give’. But the choice often exists between the presence of the dative complement and its absence: 'advice' can be 'given' absolutely or specifically 'to someone'. A grammatical subject, as such, is an item whose presence does not result from a choice: the speaker, does not choose to use a subject or not, because, by definition, as it were, a subject, is what 'must' be added to a predicate to make a statement in those languages where we have a right to speak of a subject.
- Martinet (1962), a pag.95-96

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